Sunday, January 2, 2011

Getting my foot in the proverbial "DOOR"

I began my Hollywood adventure in winter 2007. Atlest I thought I did, there are photos on Facebook that say I've been out here longer... I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

Anyway, when I arrived I had no plan on how to get in the industry, just reality tv experience. Hell, I still didn't even know if I wanted to make films or be a cartoonist. I soon found myself solving a puzzle that many people out here go through. How to get "IN". The film industry is a very exclusive club, that involves people who only communicate with people they know and if they don't know you they don't want to get to know you (weird I know). Its a club filled with wannabe's and posers, and people with no talent but money so that means they can do whatever they want. Me, I'm hot off the press. I know what I want and I'm navigating it in a different way from most folks out here in La La Land. I have to, I wasn't born the daughter of a famous director which would in turn make me a famous director. I've never even seen a silver spoon. But I know what I want. Sometimes it seems as if it will never happen, but there are tons of success stories out there, amazing ones. People that have been trough hell and back trying to get into that door. So when times get tough, I just need to remind myself that I'm putting in the ground work, and whatever I'm going through now... I can put it in my biography later! Someone will read it and say, wow... I should keep going.

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