Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fire in the Pulpit

I am beginning pre-production on my feature film "Fire in the Pulpit". Can't give alot of details about the actual project right now, but beginning pre-pro is awesome. I just sat down to do the buget, and the numbers are scary, but I know I can do it! Not just because I have faith in the project, but because other people have faith in it as well. Thats what I love about the creative process and creative people, there is never a shortage of gung-ho folks that will bend over backwards to make a project happen. Its a great feeling to be on set or in an office with like minded people who are willing to work just as hard as you, or harder to get a film in the can. So as I crunch numbers and feel a little sick, my mind goes back to the people who will support the project no matter what, and pre-production carries on.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Read A Script Excerpt!

Here is a script excerpt to one of my feature screenplays!

Romantic Comedy: Playboy Derrick Waters believes he is god's gift to women. When a beautiful psychic curses him, and takes away all elements of sex, he is forced to look beyond what happens between the sheets.

The fruits of my labor

On Monday I had my first event that I organized to have people watch my short film. For a month before that I wanted to throw up everyday, having serious stage fright about the event. I don't know why, but I get really nervous thinking about people watching my works, which is silly because that is what this whole industry is about! So this event was a good therapy for me and will help me go towards enjoying seeing the audience enjoy my work. How To Make a Baby landed well, the people laughed and it looked like they really enjoyed something that I wrote produced and directed, which tripped me out! Afterwards it became a natural high and I felt as though I could conquer the world.

I'm moving onward and upward with my next project and I'm excited to see an even bigger audience enjoy my message.

Watch How To Make A Baby Here!

How to Make a Baby from Roni Brown on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Getting my foot in the proverbial "DOOR"

I began my Hollywood adventure in winter 2007. Atlest I thought I did, there are photos on Facebook that say I've been out here longer... I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

Anyway, when I arrived I had no plan on how to get in the industry, just reality tv experience. Hell, I still didn't even know if I wanted to make films or be a cartoonist. I soon found myself solving a puzzle that many people out here go through. How to get "IN". The film industry is a very exclusive club, that involves people who only communicate with people they know and if they don't know you they don't want to get to know you (weird I know). Its a club filled with wannabe's and posers, and people with no talent but money so that means they can do whatever they want. Me, I'm hot off the press. I know what I want and I'm navigating it in a different way from most folks out here in La La Land. I have to, I wasn't born the daughter of a famous director which would in turn make me a famous director. I've never even seen a silver spoon. But I know what I want. Sometimes it seems as if it will never happen, but there are tons of success stories out there, amazing ones. People that have been trough hell and back trying to get into that door. So when times get tough, I just need to remind myself that I'm putting in the ground work, and whatever I'm going through now... I can put it in my biography later! Someone will read it and say, wow... I should keep going.

The making of "A Father's Love" book trailer

A Father's Love Book Trailer from Roni Brown on Vimeo.

This little piece was very interesting to make. How do I come up with a concept that summarizes the message of a book within about a minute. I looked up other book trailers and boy I tell you perhaps I should think about starting that as a business. Book trailers are, kind of boring. Most are just powerpoint presentations! WTF

The author of the book is my lovely sister Lavita Stokes. When she wrote the book I knew that she had put alot of herself in it and it was a very important project to her. So I wanted to give her a book trailer that wasn't a boring powerpoint presentation, but that stood out and visually delivered her message. I got to work with two young very talented actors Gospel Jackson and little Khyra Stiner.

The shoot took all of an hour to do in my apartment and I am very very happy with how it turned out. When I sat down to edit it the music scared me. How was I going to find the right music to fit this scene? I went to and within 2 minutes the perfect loop popped up. Like I said before, let go and let life. It's like it was made just for this project. I was finished editing in about an hour and outputting it to the web. Sounds easy, but it was alot of work. Worth it though, I ended up with a book trailer that definitely stands out from the rest and even got a great compliment from Mocha Readers, they said it's the best book trailer they've ever seen!

I am very proud of the way this powerful little project turned out and I want to thank the actors for donating their time and amazing talents.

What's next for me?

The script I'm currently writing deals with a very controversial subject matter in the Black Christian community. As I'm writing it I am tackling inner conflicts with what kind of filmmaker I will be. I could live my life making films that are "commercial" your everyday run of the mill B movies... or even the blockbuster hits you see in the theater. The film industry is very cookie cutter, films and the god awful remakes are dominating the industry and we are suffering from a lack of... well moxie (I just learned that word)

So, at the beginning of my career I must choose a path. And that path could change my life dramatically. On one hand I can join the crew of filmmakers who are giving the public mindless media and make tons of money... or I can create projects that deliver a message and risk being a starving filmmaker for the rest of my life, but knowing perhaps what I've done reached atleast 1 person.

Which will I choose?

The making of "How to Make a Baby"

Shooting this project was a blessing. Everyone was in great spirits and really believed in the project and I want to thank everyone involved from the bottom of my heart! I love creative people!

How to Make a Baby (a title that makes people smile and wonder exactly how graphic the film gets) Is a short film I wrote while living in Hawaii for a short time early 2010. After leaving the island due to acute island fever I returned to good old Hollywood and wanted to get right to work at making sure I am always filming something. I write alot of short films, but I chose to produce this one because of the subject matter. I was told by someone who watched it that its unrealistic, black people have no problems making babies. He was indeed a moron. Anyway, the story goes beyond race and tackles an issue many loving couples go through, and it points out that sometimes life and the way things happen are really screwed up.

Watching a show like "Teen Mom" on MTV which deserves a daytime Emmy (thats sarcasm) I wondered why these little kids are being rewarded for being irresponsible. Why are we watching them put an innocent baby through suffering because they didn't practice safe sex. And then I thought about my philosophies towards having children and I've always been very careful and dream of looking forward to starting a loving family with the man of my dreams. In other words "doing things the right way", according to society. Another show "Giuilana and Bill" follows a couple who are trying EVERYTHING to have a baby. I feel so sorry for these poor folks, watching them go through their journey and feeling disappointed because they are not able to do something that seems so natural. They feel like failures, and I'm certain watching the kids on MTV pop out puppies doesn't help.

In my research there are a ton of myths and methods to making a baby, surprising enough. Through out the years people have passed down "wisdom" regarding the oldest trick in the book. And that was my inspiration.

The main characters in the story, Alyah and Michael have done everything right. They're a happily married couple approaching their mid 30's. Gainfully employed, in their right minds, and would be assumed to be the perfect people to have a baby. But something in the universe, or life, or Murphy's law, or whatever you believe in is preventing them from conceiving. When they turn to their friends and family they get that "wisdom" and discover none of that actually works. What does happen is when they let go and let life, they are rewarded with their little blessing. Thats the lesson these characters learn.

And thats the way it is sometimes. Life works for you, and when you go against it, things simply don't work. You'll get frustrated, curse the god you worship, and wonder woe is me! Let go and Let life, and you'll receive your blessing, whatever it may be.

The Beginning of the year

So, I've decided to start my creative blog. A little about me, I'm an ex artist, I say ex artist because I've abandoned painting and drawing for writing and indie filmmaking. Best decision ever, although sometimes I get the urge to pick up a brush and canvas, I am focused on seeing my projects on the big screen. Being an indie filmmaker is an incredible journey, one filled with creativity, ups and downs, and an unbelievable potential sense of pride.

I strive to not only write, but also produce my works and I am navigating the daunting task of actually finding money! Which believe it or not money does NOT grow on trees. So, 2011 kicks off with me, script in hand a movie in my heart, and the task of actually completing something that for alot of people will never ever happen.